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Industry 4.0 and Machine Vision

What will the manufacturing of tomorrow look like? Innovations in machine vision, deep learning, and robotics are revolutionizing production lines and supply chains. As machines and the information they produce become linked, new cyber-physical systems will spark a modern day Industrial Revolution. In Industry 4.0, smart machines learn from their environments and take corrective actions to optimize production. These machines work independently of a central controller, collaborating and communicating with other devices. Industry 4.0 factories produce new organizational intelligence, which spreads across facilities and is accessible anywhere. Machine vision will be at the heart of this new manufacturing paradigm.

3D Vision Solutions for Food and Beverage

In the food and beverage industry, packaging quality verification protects a brand’s image and prevents product spoilage, but the system requires precision. This video highlights food and beverage inspection challenges and how they are solved with the right machine vision solution. The world’s leading provider of vision systems, software, sensors, and industrial barcode readers used in manufacturing automation. Cognex vision helps companies improve product quality, eliminate production errors, lower manufacturing costs, and exceed consumer expectations for high quality products at an affordable price. Typical applications for machine vision include detecting defects, monitoring production lines, guiding assembly robots, and tracking, sorting and identifying parts.

3D Vision Solutions for Automotive Challenges

As vehicles become more complex, connected, and regulated, it is imperative that automotive manufacturers inspect processes and materials to protect their customers while avoiding bottlenecks to protect their business. Fortunately, smart cameras and advanced software can work together to solve these challenges. This video shows how automotive inspection systems using 3D machine vision solutions meet specific requirements and improve manufacturing quality.

Deep Learning Solutions for Electronics Manufacturing

Automating production processes and improving quality are two of the electronics industry’s greatest demands. Yet some applications are too complicated, time-consuming, and expensive to program into a rule-based algorithm. Using human inspectors to handle various part types and make judgement-based decisions can also introduce error and slow down production. See how deep learning-based image analysis can help maximize quality and throughput.
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